
My L5 and The 8 Limbs of Yoga

by Betsy

As I lie here with an ice pack under my L5 vertebrae, resting on the third day in of my bulging disc attack, I know that this is the only thing that would have stopped my forward motion. I have always been way out ahead of my body, planning and doing and creating. I am afraid that it is my MO to drive my body into the ground by overworking it. I know it is important to listen to my body and while I do hear it, I don’t always heed it’s advice. 
My body finally said “STOP!” with an exclamation point! Not next week but NOW! 
This particular injury stems from an injury I sustained to my knee when I fell off a cliff 25 years ago. Three knee surgeries later, my body is a bit imbalanced. One side is quite a bit stronger and I am prone to favoring that side, in the way that I stand, and walk and even present myself to the world. Once I saw a dog running down the street almost sideways, leading with one side of his body, and I recognized myself in him immediately. I am in a bit of a twist always, presenting my stronger side first, so, like the dog, I am a bit sideways also. 
Through all of this I have been able to sustain a deep physical yoga practice, in spite of my limitations or maybe even because of them. My practice has always been the foundation that helps me get through emotional turbulence and physical trials and tribulations. It has helped me remain calm, balanced, and at peace. I have been told by my Chiropractor that I cannot practice yoga at all for at least 2 weeks. 
At first I was traumatized but, I think what my chiropractor meant was, that I could not practice the physical part of yoga, or the asana. There are actually 8 limbs to yoga, only one of those limbs is the physical practice. It will be challenging, but I can still practice yoga, at least 7 out of the 8 limbs. The word Ashtanga , means eight Limbs and these eight limbs act as guidelines for living a life full of purpose and meaning. Here are the eight limbs…..

This first limb is about our behavior and how we conduct ourselves out in the world. The five yamas are…
1) Ahimsa – non-violence
2) Satya – Truthfulness
3) Asteya - non-stealing
4) Bramacharya – self-restraint, esp. as it relates to sexual conduct
5) Aparigraha – non-covetousness

This second limb is about our own self discipline and spiritual observances
The five Niyamas are….
  1. Sauca – cleanliness / purity / positive thinking
  2. Samtosa – contentedness
  3. Tapas – Heat/Cleansing Spriritual austerities
  4. Svadyaya – Self study
  5. Ishvarapranidani – self surrender

This third limb is the postures themselves, the physical practice of yoga
which gives us discipline and keeps us focused and can help us be ready for

This fourth limb is translated to mean life force extension. It is the use and
control of the breath, the prana , the life force. The breathing techniques
help us to realize the connection between the breath, the body and the
mind. It rejuvenates the body but it is also thought by yogis that it can
extend your life.

This fifth limb means to withdraw from the senses. It is really about moving inward and bringing our awareness away from the external world. That withdrawl helps us see
ourselves a little bit better.

This sixth limb means concentration and focus. All these limbs lead into each other Pratyahara helps prepare us for Dharana which hlps prepare us for meditation which comes next. We can begin to focus our attention at a single point.

This seventh limb means Meditation or Contemplation. And the Dhyana leads us to Samadhi whih comes next.

This eighth limb means a state of ecstasy, nirvana, bliss, enlightenment. This state can not be achieved by anything external, it is within us, our consciousness itself. And it can not be possessed. It can only be experienced.

So as you can see, there is much that can be practiced from a prone position. Amoung other things, I definitely will be practicing Sauca which is purity especially as it relates to thinking. .ie. positive thinking. It will require plenty of that as my hours in this bed start adding up.

1 comment:

  1. Betsy,

    I'm so sorry to hear about your back! You're in my thoughts and I hope you feel better soon. :)

